Intelligence is Unstoppable

Singularity Summit this weekend

Singularity Summit logoThe 2010 Singularity Summit takes place this weekend in San Francisco with an exciting lineup of speakers including Shane Legg, Irene Pepperberg, Ray Kurzweil, and the Institute’s own Michael Vassar and Eliezer Yudkowsky. The primary focus seems to be on the emergence of new bio and AI technology and the evolution of intelligence. It should be a fascinating conference. If you aren’t able to make it, stay tuned for links to videos of some of the talks.

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  1. Karen Marie Arvidsson Dempster

    Here in Australia we just had the first Singularity AU Summit, which was wonderful, weird & diverse. Good luck with your production, and I’m sure others will be in touch also.

    (BTW quite a lot of links are broken in your Resources area.)

    Oct 17, 2010 @ 19:54